Sunday, August 06, 2006

Siddhartha : Hermann Hesse

Another book which I am in deep love with is Hermann hesse's Siddhartha.
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), German poet and novelist, who has depicted in his works the duality of spirit and nature, body versus mind and the individual's spiritual search outside the restrictions of the society. Hesse was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946.

Siddhartha is the story of a brahmin boy who yearns for enlightenment. He leaves his home with the obvious permission of his father, accompanied by his friends.
After several years of wandering they come to meet Gautam The Buddha. But Siddhartha leaves the comapany of Buddha himself even after the persuasion by his friend not to do so.
Later on, Siddhartha wents to live a very material life inspite of his yearn for enlightenment.
But Siddhartha attains the enlightenment conclusively without the help of any master.

What Heramann Hesse did in this small story of his , simply shows his grasp of eastern spiritualism. Every dialogue between the Buddha & Siddhartha is noteable.

This book, I love a lot.

1 comment:

Prabal Aggarwal said...

This is sexy review. its my favorite book too. I never new that Hermen Hesse won the Nobel Prize. even i have written the review of it in my blog
Actually it taught me, one can learn everything from anything. Do visit my blog and i would like to invite you as co author it, if u like.